Date / Heure
Date(s) - vendredi 1 septembre 2023
dimanche 3 septembre 2023
9h30 - 18h00
Cette conférence est la cinquième organisée par le groupe Analysis and Activism fondé notamment par les analystes jungiens Andrew Samuels et Emilija Kiehl au cours des années 2000 : il regroupe des analystes et psychothérapeutes jungiens mais aussi des personnes en formation, des universitaires, écrivains. Cette initiative est soutenue par l’AIPA. Elle a pour but principal de faciliter à la fois l’activisme assumé et les analyses du militantisme par ceux qui sont présentement non-actifs. Elle assure une mission d’information, et vise à promouvoir les dialogues et les pratiques dans le monde entier concernant la rencontre des questions psychosociales et du politique.
Présentation des organisateurs :
In the first twenty years of this 21st century, we have experienced major global events with unprecedented condensation and speed – terrorist attacks, wars, global financial crisis, and a still-ongoing pandemic, just to name a few – all of which have had a dramatic impact on the way we live.
In 1946, Albert Camus noted that the century in which he was writing presented itself as the “century of fear.”
How will the twenty-first century present itself and be experienced, especially given that, more than any other pressing issue, the reality and the manifestations of climate change permeates all aspects of our lives? Moreover, and unlike other pressing concerns, the very ubiquity and vastness of the dangers to, and compromising of, our shared ground of being, has resulted in a shared sense of overwhelmedness (that, for some, might result in a collusive non engagement).
In 2015, at the conclusion of the UN summit in New York, 196 countries signed the 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its ambitious program was organized around five P’s: Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership – themes to inform the political agenda of signatory countries in the hopes of transforming the world.
This UN-endorsed agenda strongly emphasized the promotion of human rights and the empowerment of women and other marginalized groups. However, in the more than seven years since the adoption of this agenda, by all accounts the signatory countries have all fallen woefully short of their stated aspirations and goals. What to make of this situation and what lessons can be learned going forward?
We, the organizers of the Analysis and Activism Ljubljana 2023 Conference, believe – following Boris Groys that “there are conflicts that the intellectual cannot escape, that force him into politics whether he wants this or not” – that social change on the scale contemplated by the UN Agenda calls for the conscious adoption and integration of two other, seemingly opposite, P’s: Psyche and Politics.
Tarifs d’inscription :
225 Euros avant le 30.06.2023
100 euros pour les étudiants, personnes en formation avant le 30.06.2023
Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana